Teacher asked her class "If 4 birds were sitting on the fence and a hunter shot 1, how many would be left?" Little Johnny answered "None." The teacher said "No. 3 would be left. 4 Minus 1 equals 3." Little Johnny said "1 would be killed and the other 3 would be frightened away by the sound of the gun." The teacher replied "That's not the answer I was looking for but I like the way you think." At that Johnny asked the teacher "If 3 women were sitting on a park bench, each eating an ice cream cone with one biting, one licking and one sucking, which one is married?" The teacher thought for a moment knowing where Johnny was going with this, but decided she was already in too far to turn back. She replied "The one sucking." Johnny replied, "No. The one with the ring on, but I like the way you think!"